Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Winding down and planning for next year.

Our homeschool year is almost over.  The kids are counting down the days.  I forget how many it is, but they won't.   The love their summertime.  Our big boy is going to be home this summer.  I'm kind of hoping that he won't have to work outside the home because last year when he was working all the time we didn't see him much and at this point right now, we haven't seen him since mid January, so I want all of us to get to spend as much time with him as we can this summer.  So in aid of that, I am going to sell as many things on Ebay as I can, to raise money.  It's probably kind of a crazy plan, but I don't care.  The heart wants what the heart wants.  My friend has been selling things on ebay, picking items up at thrift stores and has made several thousand dollars since January.  I'm trying to figure out the least my son can get by on and really, if he uses all his student loans, he doesn't need very much.  I'd rather ...

I was in the middle of writing this when I got a ping saying I had a message on Facebook and my son was messaging me to let me know that he just got awarded a 1000 dollar scholarship for next year and has a chance at another $900 dollar one if he can turn in 3 letters of reference by Monday.  So.  Cool.
 This next year is looking even better, now.  I just hope he is able to get through school without much student debt.  Maybe just a part time job this summer and not full time third shift like last year?   A mom can hope.

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