Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Building robots, playing games in restaurants ...

Just another day in the life of our homeschooling group, which is not so much a homeschool group now, as a family.  We went to our 4H office and did a very cool lesson on Ecobots which are robots used to help the envirnoment, made tiny bristle robots out of toothbrush tops and used them to try and clean up a fake oil spill (which was actually rice).  The kids had a lot of fun with it.  While they were doing that the moms had a planning meeting and we planned a couple of field trips and discussed what we might do over the summer and next year. Afterwards, we moved the group to the local McDonald's Restaurant where we moms had a prom planning meeting and the kids played Yu-Gi-Oh and Telestrations which is very fun.  Usually, we moms join in, but we had business to talk about.  It is, in my opinion, one of the most fun games we have ever played.

From my web wanderings this morning, 2 very good educational links.

Tour of Ted Ed./ Ted Ed Website.

Fun with Snail Mail

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