Thursday, March 21, 2013

Again with the snail mail.

If you didn't follow the link yesterday for the snail mail article, do it today.  It's really great. 

Here's a cool exerpt.

The most inspiring example is Henry Box Brown, who in 1849 was a slave in Virginia. Using his savings to pay for the clandestine delivery, he had himself mailed to an abolitionist in Philadelphia. The trip took 27 hours, much of it upside down despite “this side up” instructions on the box.

 Also this little snippet.  I may have to do this to the teacher who told me I would "ruin" my son.   

When the situation calls for it, tell your truth with an un-thank you note. Of course it’s best to handle negative situations immediately, but I’ve gotten some dire predictions from professionals that proved false over time. This surgery is absolutely necessary. You’ll have a maladjusted child if you homeschool. Ritalin is the only solution for that behavior.  It’s my contention that sending a respectful letter updating a doctor, teacher, or other expert is a kindness to the people they will advise in the future. There are ways to write a useful unthank you note. Chances are you won’t get a response but you’ll feel lighter.

We're off for the second of our well-child checks today.  I'll update later.

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