Monday, March 18, 2013

Well, I wrote ...

a post this morning about how having 4 dogs is driving us crazy, the barking the whining, the howling, etc. but I somehow deleted it.  This morning was just pretty awful.  The new puppy is making all the other dogs crazy (and me too).  It's been quiet on that front this afternoon but this afternoon, we had an adventure.  My youngest says that he told his sister he was going for a walk in the woods and she says that she told him that she was going to get her camera and come back, but when she came back, he was gone and she couldn't find him despite yelling so she came and got me.  We ran all over the place yelling and looking for him (and believe me, I can project at loud volumes when I want to).  I even walked out on a scary big top of a culvert to check to see if he'd fallen in the creek since it rained a lot this morning and the creek was up very high. We yelled and yelled and finally decided to head back into the house to call 911 and report a lost child.  When we got to the back door, guess who was there?  He had went on a walk in the woods and hadn't heard us even one of the times we yelled.  Is that crazy or what?  I don't know.  Anyway, he and his sister squabbled with the I-told-you-I-was-goings for a while, and I resolved to get the kids hearing checked when he has his checkup next week.  I don't know if it is that he can't hear well or if he just gets in his own little world.  He wasn't listening to his MP 3 player this time. 

For those of you who aren't familiar with where we live, we are surrounded by woods  It's not like there's a neighborhood here.  Anyway, I got quite a bit of exercise and a really good adrenaline rush/heart workout.  I really don't want to do it again though. 


  1. Glad he's ok & that all is well. such a 'Boy' thing to do. ;-)

  2. We live on the edge of town, and there are fields behind us. One time, I stepped inside to put dinner on the table and had the kids come in to wash. I was counting heads and seeing that everyone had washed when, I noticed Josh wasn't there.No one knew where he went, all thought he was there. Long story short, I almost called 911 because I was thinking he was in the cornfield, lost when we heard laughter. Josh hiding under the porch, watching us panic looking for him. Kids. you got to love them.
