Monday, May 07, 2012

A fun experiment.

If I read about a fun science experiment somewhere I like to go ahead and do it while I'm thinking about it.  The one we did today involved a tea bag and a match and we had tea bags from the salvage store which contained some really disgusting apple cider tea.  We weren't going to drink them, so we set them on fire.  Here's what you do. 

1. Make SURE you have the supervision of a responsible adult.
2. You can choose to go outside or not.  We tried it outside, but the wind kept blowing it over on its side and it wouldn't work, so after watching the video on Youtube and seeing that it looked pretty harmless, we tried it inside. 
3.  Take the staple, string and tag off the tea bag.
4.  Empty the tea out.
5.  Straighten the tea bag out so that it is about a 4 inch tall cylinder.
6.  Twist one end together and stand it up on its open end on a cookie sheet.
7.  Light it on fire just under the twisted part, near the top.
8.  Watch it.  The teabag will catch fire, then when it is almost burned up, it will rise up in the air about 4 feet and then gently float down, while it is going out.  

If your house catches on fire, keep in mind, that it is not my fault.  I told you to go outside.  


  1. lordy....I don't know about letting my BOYS especially play with matches. LOL! But this does sound cool. And if my house catches on fire.....I'm gonna come find you, girl! ;-)

  2. It's fun and basically harmless. We've done it at least 6 times today. After it goes completely out, you can even catch it.

    I think it'd be cool if you came for a visit, but not if your house burned down. :-)
