Tuesday, May 08, 2012

At this point.

I'm getting used to the twice daily insulin injections for the dog.  I forgot him today until 2 hours after I was supposed to give it but I guess better late than never.  Today he's got to go get his blood sugar checked at the vet. 

We're all getting used (I guess) to oldest son being a working man.   He seems to be doing okay with it.    He does not want to do this for the rest of his life and I think that's actually a good thing.  I don't want him to either.

This is the last week of school.  We took fewer breaks than the public schools so we are finishing up way earlier than they are and way earlier than we usually do.  It's nice.  The kids are happy about it, that's for sure.

I wish I got the summers off from work, but I don't wish that enough to get a job in the school system ...

Last night we had the 4H needleworking class.  My mother in law taught the kids how to make crochet mats out of grocery bags for the homeless.  It went really well and now my daughter has a big old project to work on.  The goal is to get it done by the county fair the third week of July.  

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