Sunday, May 06, 2012

Feels like summer!

Picture of our creek, not our pool.  I don't have any good pictures of the pool.
I got in the pool today.  Can you believe it?  May 6.  That's the earliest I've ever gotten in the pool.  We don't usually have it up until memorial day weekend.  The temperature outside was 87 degrees and the temperature inside is not much better since our air conditioning does not seem to be working.  It keeps freezing up.  I did some chores around the house, got very, very warm and decided to just get in the pool.  I felt much better for a while, but now I'm back inside and getting very warm again and so I might have to go back out there.  It's so nice to have it as an option.  I'm thinking if we leave it up until September I can get 5 good solid months of exercise in before we take it down and I turn back into a slug.  I really need to get a winter exercise plan.

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