Friday, May 25, 2012

Busy busy day.

It's my own fault I'm so tired right now.  I promised my youngest son that I'd take him yard-saling on top of having to work my usual shift and having to meet the homeschool moms for mom's night out at 4:00 p.m.  So I rushed and got my work done very quickly, then took him to several yard sales and a thrift store on the lookout for Legos and YuGiOh cards.  We didn't really find any.  We got home and then I had 5 minutes before I had to leave again.  For mom's night we went to a salvage grocery store (our latest fun thing) then to eat out and then to Hobby Lobby.  We drove an hour each way for this, after we met, with 15 minutes of solo driving before that.  Thus, I am experiencing, the above-mentioned tiredness.  Actually, I didn't eat out.  I just had ice cream because I didn't want to risk getting glutened.  I have way too busy a weekend planned.  I've got work tomorrow then the first of our summer fun nights at church.  I don't really expect much of a turnout since it's Memorial Day Weekend and a lot of people will be camping, but I want the ones who do come to have fun.  Then Sunday, we've got a baby shower and I'm in charge of the games.  I'm thinking we'll make playdough babies and play baby gift bingo, but I'm not sure.  Sometime this weekend, I'll need to figure that out.  :-P

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