Thursday, May 24, 2012

The first get er done day of the summer*

The kids have been out of school for over a week now and we should have already started the spring cleaning, summer work and also the summer fun list.  However, we had 3 or 4 days of no air conditioning and I know we are wimps but we didn't feel like doing a whole lot and getting overly warm, although we did do some of it.  The second reason we haven't really started yet is that I have had yet another urinary tract infection and those things are simply no fun.  I have been to the doctor now and gotten and antibiotic and hopefully am on the mend.  I have been checking things off today quite well.  I've gotten my oldest son's laundry done.  He usually does his own laundry, but he is going to have to work a 12 hour shift tonight so he had to go right to bed when he got home.  I've also gotten Max a vet appointment for this afternoon to check on his blood sugar levels, taken the garbage out, loaded the dishwasher, began hoeing the garden (late, I know, see above) and done some general cleaning tasks.  In a few minutes, I'm going to tackle decluttering in my bedroom.  We have way too many books in there and some of them need to go.  Later, after we get back from the vet, if my fever has subsided, I'll probably get in the pool.  I really love summertime.

*Get er done is local speak for get it done day.  :-P   We do live in Kentucky you know? .

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