Saturday, May 26, 2012

Boys. Brothers.

My youngest son asked that he be awakened early this morning.  He usually gets up on Saturday mornings to watch cartoons but lately our TV connection hasn't been all that good.  He said that he wanted to get up anyway so he could see his older brother.  With the oldest working 50+ hours this week, time with him has been rare.  For the last hour or so, my boys have been having a conversation which has ranged from the kitchen to the living room, to their shared bedroom, both of them talking, talking, talking, sometimes at the exact same time and this conversation is punctuated with all kinds of boy noises, sound effects and loud booms, fake fighting and laughing.  The big boy has been picking up the smaller one to see if he's heavier than the books he had to lift at work last night, which is funny.   I love it.  I find it funny that I wanted a girl when I found out the youngest boy was on the way.  I already had tiny girl clothes.  I had a 22 month old girl who wouldn't mind sharing a room and a 5 year old boy who would mind sharing, but I got a boy and I am really glad that I did.  It's been good for everybody.

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