Sunday, May 27, 2012


Curious Boy's Book of Adventure

This is the latest book my youngest son is reading.  It's about building treehouses, learning to fish, safe ways to build a fire and make S'mores and various other things.  He's really enjoying it and has been scouting the area around our house for the perfect treehouse tree.  Yesterday, he said that a book he had read recently said to put down the video games, turn off the TV and do some fun stuff.  He said "I already have all day long to do fun stuff because I don't have screen time."  I asked him if he was glad we did screen time the way we do and he said that he was, because if we allowed him to play video games all day long, he would and he'd miss all the coolest stuff.  Wow, validation on screen time control policies from my baby.  They really are growing up.

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