Wednesday, October 05, 2011

I keep blogging, but blogger keeps deleting my posts ... !

This photo is not related to the blog post below it in any way.
Let's see how this one goes.  Yesterday, we took my daughter to the spine center for her recheck.  Her scoliosis does not appear to be getting worse and may, in fact, be better.  We originally had an appointment on the Friday before our vacation and I had thought that it would be nice to go to the science center since we'd be so close.  Then I got so busy with vacation preparation that I decided to postpone the appointment, not realizing that the science center is only open past 5 on weekends, not on Tuesdays.  I noticed it yesterday before we left, but figured we'd get to go to the science center for an hour or so, since the appointment was at 2:30.  Well I figured wrong, let me tell you.  We didn't leave the doctor's office until almost 5 o'clock, so we made it up to ourselves by going to Hobby Lobby and Krispy Kreme.  I scheduled the next spine center appointment on a Friday! 

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