Monday, October 03, 2011

October the third.

I can't believe it's October.  If you read my blog, you'll find that I often marvel at how quickly time passes.  It's 82 days until Christmas.  This year has passed quickly.  It's been so much better than last year in many ways though and for that I am thankful.  Speaking of being thankful, I've already started craving thanksgiving-y type foods and have already made a chicken in the crock pot and made gluten free stuffing to go with it.  It was very good and I may do something like that again later this week, although if I make it over and over, by Thanksgiving, I'll be kind of tired of it.

Just a little bit of trivia about our family .. we were all born in even years and so in odd numbered years, all our ages are odd numbers.  My kids are now 13, 15 and 19.  I won't even say how old my husband and I are, just be assured that we're old and we're odd.  Numbered that is.

I just got a call from the nurse at my doctor's office.  My hemoglobin is 8.1 with the normal range supposed to be 12-16 and my iron is "quite low" so I'm going to have to go back on iron pills.  :-( 

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