Thursday, October 06, 2011


October is marching right along here, I tell you.  It's already what, the 6th?  Today's the day I had my echocardiogram and Holter monitor for the heart palpitations that are going on with my anemia.  It was interesting having the echo.  I type those things all the time, so it was kind of cool being on the other side of it.  I'm still wearing the monitor because that's a 24 hour thing and I have to turn it back in before work tomorrow morning.  

School's going fine.  The kids work very well on their own now.  My youngest sat last night and re-watched a bunch of biology videos from last year's biology study, because he just wanted to.  I love when they just decide to study something like that on their own.  My daughter has decided to do some quilting and make a quilt so she's been working on that and my oldest is working very hard on learning to play his new acoustic guitar that he got for his birthday.  He's been playing an electric guitar and this acoustic one is really giving his left arm a workout.

This month was supposed to be a month of cleaning, painting, weeding and other work on the house, but I haven't felt good and so we haven't started on any of it.  Maybe next week? 

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