Friday, July 01, 2011


If you homeschool, you're going to have to spend a lot of time with your kids.  For some people, this is not a problem because they want to spend more time with their kids and for others, it sounds awful, because their kids get on their nerves!  I think most of us fall in the middle of these two extremes.  We want to spend more time with our kids, but then, sometimes, they get on our nerves.  When you first begin to homeschool, it may be difficult to get enough alone time, especially if they've been in school, gone all day, for a while, but you get used to it and get into a rhythm.  There are good things and bad things about the kids being free from the system.  One is that they will be eating all their meals pretty much at home and you'll have to adjust your grocery budget.  Another is that a lot more dishes seem to get dirty, again, from eating all meals at home and the house gets more messy with kids having time to pursue a bunch of interests and doing it in your home.  Then there are school supplies, books, microscopes, globes, notebooks, pencils, paper ... etc.  The benefits are that the kids can take on more of the chores and learn more about running a household.   You can work out these issues with some patience and perseverance.   If your kids do get on your nerves a lot, you may need to address some of the behaviors that get on your nerves and find a way to stop them.  Everyone your kids come into contact with in the future will thank you for that.  :-P

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