Friday, July 01, 2011

We interupt....

this blog series to let you know what's going on with us.  We finished our month of spring cleaning and have now begun our fitness month.  Of course, we'll still be doing our regular summertime things, basic chores, work, read alouds (We're reading Ranger's Apprentice, The Emperor of Nihon-Ja), summer reading, family swim nights, skate nights and getting one kid ready for camp, but we've committed to doing 2 hours a day of exercise every single day this month.  Today was the first and we spent an hour walking in the hot, hot sun and then an hour and a half to 2 1/2 hours in the pool.  I personally am pretty tired, but not terribly so.  At some point, we will need to finish the cleaning because one room didn't get done :-( and we need to make plans for the fall semester, but for now, we're just summering and getting in better shape. 

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