Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Can both parents have a job while homeschooling?  Yes.  Homeschooling is a very efficient method of teaching children, since it is mostly 1 on 1 tutoring.  I actually find that homeschooling my kids and working is easier than sending them to public school and working because homeschooling can flex.  Public schooling is the most inflexible system I have ever dealt with.  I dealt with it for 6 years and that was plenty.  Thirty seconds late equals tardy.  Leaving early for a doctor's appointment?  Need a doctor's note.   Does your child need to take medicine during the 6 hours they are gone to school.  Sorry.  That's not happening.  I ended up going to truancy court because my kindergartner had strep throat twice in one year, despite my faithful turning in of doctor's notes.  I looked the truancy officer straight in the eye when he told me to not let my child miss any more school this year and told him that I would keep my son home if he was sick!  Schools are extremely inflexible.  With homeschooling, we can do school in the summer, on weekends, in the evenings, early in the mornings, at the park, at grandmas, at the library, or in the car (although this gives us a headache).  Since my husband teaches the math, we schedule all of the math in the mornings, early in the week, when he can supervise it.  If he had a different work schedule, we might do math on the weekends or in the evenings.  I have talked to a homeschool parent who said that her husband got up early in the morning and did lessons with his kids before he went to work, I can't remember if it was also math, but I think it was.  :-)  The point is, both my husband and I have been working the whole time that we've  been homeschooling.  I do only work part time but in my opinion, even if I had to work full time, I could still homeschool.  I juggled two part time jobs for a while a couple of years ago and it worked out just fine, although, there was less housework done and fewer home-cooked meals ... I also have friends who do it.  I know a couple of homeschooling moms who work as nurses part time, one who does photography and one who does custom embroidery. 

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