Thursday, June 09, 2011

Getting things done.

We are gradually getting some things done around the house.  I feel like we'll be spring cleaning until fall at this pace, but so be it, I guess.  It needs to be done.  Then, I guess the kids might feel differently about the beginning of school this fall if it also meant the end of spring cleaning ... (Can I hear a Hooray for school!?)  Yesterday, I worked and then came home and we cleaned for maybe an hour and a half and then I had to get dressed in my nice clothes again and go to the library to return about a million books and then to Lowes to buy wood to put on top of our pantry wire shelves in the hopes that everything won't fall over and then to the first family night at the city pool.  We got home around 8:30 and went to bed around 9:30.  At least I did.  All this work and then swimming makes a person tired, not as tired as I was all the time before I gave up gluten, but tired in a good way.  

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