Saturday, June 11, 2011

My baby's birthday.

Today is my youngest son's birthday, the big 1-3.  I cannot believe it!  I've been preparing myself for it, but still, whew.  I have 3 teenagers now.  This boy was not planned by my husband and I, but was planned by God and has been a wonderful surprise, so much fun, the icing-on-the-cake kid.  :-)

I tried to post this next part yesterday, but for some reason it didn't post.  Yesterday when I tried to wake the youngest up, he said "Technically, since I'm in the top bunk, I am "up".  I'm up and horizontal.   What you want is for me to be down and vertical."  Who else can say things like that the very second they wake up?  Not me, that's for sure!

1 comment:

  1. That made LOL.....sounds exactly like something Jon would say!!
