Tuesday, June 07, 2011

What I've been up to.

I did not get busy and clean up the house like a crazy person this weekend.  (I wish I had!)  I did, however, I'm pretty sure, finish my tiny little book about being gluten free.  The whole point of the book is to make it simple and so the fact that it is a little, simply laid out 80 page book is a good thing, I guess.  Then, Sunday afternoon, with that victory behind me, I sat and read the second book in The Hunger Games trilogy.  That's one of those books that once you pick it up, you pretty much can't put it down.   Then yesterday, I came home from work and dove into the spring cleaning.  It just seems like it's gonna take forever.  I'm working on getting the old homeschool/board game shelves emptied and all the stuff put into the wardrobe I bought at Ikea so that all that stuff will be behind closed doors and if it looks messy, it's hidden.  I spent a lot of time sorting through old school work yesterday.  The kids have done some notebooking pages which are really good and I'm going to put them all in a box and keep those for school memories purposes.  It all makes me think how little they were when we started homeschooling and how big they are now!  It goes so quickly!  And speaking of that, June is 1/4 gone already and I don't think my house is 1/4 spring cleaned!  I really better get on it today.  :-(   

After work.  :-(

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