Monday, May 09, 2011

I've got to admit.

I enjoyed waking up and being pampered on Mother's Day even though I whined about another holiday so soon.   Today, though, I really am glad that it is (and hope that it continues to be) just an ordinary Monday with work, school and hopefully getting something done.  I haven't been up long enough to know how my back/side/abdominal pain is going to be.  It's not hurting at this moment.  (fingers crossed).   It hurt a lot yesterday and consequently, I did not do much of anything.  Today, I'd like to get my garden set out.  It's pretty small so it shouldn't take long.   We've  already got 5 or 6 pumpkin vines around the front walk that just grew there, probably from last year's jack-o-lantern carving..  (This picture is one of last year's pumpkins).  I have some ideas for what I eventually want my yard to look like.  I want to gradually move into more perennials and more edible landscaping.  I really want to plant some raspberries, grapes and blackberries around the outside of the yard.  Now if I can just feel like doing any of it ...

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