Sunday, May 08, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

I whined about it yesterday because it's another holiday weekend, but today I got up and my dishes were washed and I had flowers and a card and chocolate and now I'm quite pleased that we're having another holiday so soon.  :-)


  1. Wow....sounds nice. I also woke up to Ashley downstairs fixing me breakfast....homemade berry muffins & coffee. They were DELISH! And she had washed up all the dishes too. What a sweet girl! Hope you have a great & that you're feeling back to 100% better very soon!

  2. Anonymous6:06 PM

    I have been away from the computer, and am getting caught up with my bloggers. I am so sorry to hear you aren't feeling well. I hope that whatever is wrong, they find out what it is! Have a quiet day today!! Happy Mother's Day.
