Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Not the best.

I'm still not feeling the best.  I still have some abdominal/back pain and a slight fever, though they both seem to be a bit better.  The fever is in the 99.2 range now, much better than last week's 101.  Still, I'm managing to get some things done.  I've worked every day since I don't have paid time off.  The kids keep doing school.  We've got the garden mostly set out and some flowers in the front flower bed.  We still don't have the wardrobe from Ikea put the rest of the way together and filled up and it's blocking half the kitchen.  Maybe tomorrow?  Sigh. 

1 comment:

  1. I feel for you. For over 10 years I had no paid time off. No holidays, no sick days, no vacation time. I worked even when I was sick too. I only got some time starting the first of this year.

    I hope you feel better soon. It is stinky to have to still work and be mom and everything else when you feel lousy.

