Saturday, May 07, 2011

Better today.

I'm feeling a bit better today, though still not 100%.   I am able to think about some things other than how much my belly/side/back hurts.  No one has any idea what caused this.  Between the 2 doctor's visits, blood work, urinalysis and ultrasound, we have a pretty long list of things its not and apparently, its not, in the words of the radiologist who read my ultrasound, "something dreadful".  I do wish it would go away though.  I've got a lot of things to do.  I want to get my garden planted, my home organized (you know, kinda)  and my bedroom painted.  I still want to finish my book which I really, really thought was 'almost finished' last November.  :-(  The book is really the only thing that I might feel like working on this weekend so I may get some work done on that.  Unfortunately, it's another holiday weekend and so I probably won't get as much time as I'll need.  I kind of think maybe we have too many holidays and therefore can't savor them like we should.  

And now, I will stop whining and share some photos of my mom's garden today.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad it isn't "something dreadful" but answers would be nice. :) I really glad you are on the upswing. Hope you are back to full gear soon!

    Happy Mother's Day!
