Thursday, March 17, 2011


I think I accidentally ingested some gluten yesterday and so instead of doing all the many, many things I was going to do this afternoon, all I got done was a nap.  :-(  Oh well.  Some days are just like that.  After I had eaten one of the candy bars we are selling for 4H, I noted that they said that the 'crispy rice' ones contained wheat.  I wasn't eating a 'crispy rice' one,  but all the labels are the same so I must assume they are manufactured on the same line ... I've eaten several this month but this is the first time it's affected me but I won't make that mistake again.  I'll have to find another chocolate source for the next time the need arises. 

Before and after my nap, I've been giving some thought to changing our school schedules a little and I think I will.  I think we'll be wrapping up woodworking and I think I'll take a few things like guitar practice off of their lists for a while and add in some more academic things.   May is coming very soon and I've got some things I want to cover.  More on that later.


  1. Someone slipped you a gluten mickey! If you are concerned about those candy bars you can always ship them here and I'll keep an eye on them. ;)

  2. LOL @ Freakmom. such a true friend to take those off of your hands for you. ~Smile~
