Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Not the expected day, but ...

it was pretty nice.  We were supposed to go on a field trip today but since it was raining so much yesterday, we postponed it, all the way to May.  Anyway, today was a beautiful day and would have been great for the trip but since we didn't go, we enjoyed the outdoors at home.  I gave into much begging and logical reasoning and let the kids have today as one of their spring break days after I heard "But you said last week that we couldn't have a spring break day because it was raining and today it's beautiful and you said we'd wait for a pretty day and take that day off ... "  so we took a day off, took a walk, visited the creek and looked for wildflowers.  We took Freckles with us because I picked her up yesterday and realized that she has gained a significant amount of weight.  We are going to try and take her for a walk every day and I bought some weight reduction dog food.  She likes it, but she might be a bit upset when she realizes its going to be given out in very strict portions, according to what the dog food bag chart advises for weight reduction.  Tomorrow the kids may be upset about insisting on a spring break, because you know what goes with spring break?  Spring cleaning!  Or, I could just be cruel and make them do school.  :-P

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