Friday, March 18, 2011

Better, gluten free.

I had a gluten free day today and yesterday, thank goodness, and got some things done.  I really cannot express how much I hate housework.  My mom's really good at it.  My daughter's good at it.  Then there's me.  I think these things must skip a generation.  Nonetheless, the kids and I got the cleaning we were going to do yesterday done today.  It feels nice to have it done, but I still hate cleaning.  Unfortunately, I also do not tolerate a lot of mess well, so it's not a good combination to have in 1 person.  Ideally, I should either tolerate messes well and not care or I should, if not like, at least not mind cleaning. 

This weekend, I hope that my husband and his crew (funnily enough, the same 3 kids who are on the housecleaning crew) will get some work done on the laundry room renovation that we are in the middle of, but at least 2 of them, husband and youngest son, are still very snotty from the cold that has ripped through this household this week, so I kind of doubt it.  :-( 

I tried a recipe for my book today, it's a 5 can tortilla soup and it's pretty good.  You combine 1 can of chicken breast, 1 can of chicken broth, 1 can of diced tomatoes and green chilis, 1 can of Ranch Style Beans and 1 can of hominy and just warm it up.  Of course, I never do anything exactly the way it's written and I didn't have a can of chicken, so I used chicken tenders from the freezer and threw it all in the crock pot.  It's not our favorite crock pot soup, but it is pretty good and it is so easy, it deserves mention. 

1 comment:

  1. I think we're cut from the same housekeeping cloth.
