Saturday, March 19, 2011

Adventure walks.

Okay, only a little bit adventurous, but we like to call them that.  We like to occasionally, just get out of the car and walk in places we normally drive through.  Every time we go to town, we pass over a dam to a reservoir.  We have never before today gotten out and looked more closely at it.  It's cool.  It has this huge water intake thingy and an outflow thingy (aren't you all impressed with my vocabulary?) on the other side that looks like a giant water slide.  We must have driven by them thousands of times but today we stopped and took a closer look.  It was cool.  After that, we went to a big kind-of-new bridge and walked across it and looked over the other side and threw a few rocks into a creek down there.  That one was so high, it kind of made me nervous to look over the side, but the kids loved it.  One person stopped to make sure we were okay and we told her we were just goofing off.  It was fun.  I remember when I was a kid and my family traveled across the country, practically, to Arizona and back and some of the most fun times were not scheduled stops and not tourist attractions, just stopping by an interesting rock or to look more closely at a cactus or just to stretch our legs. 

After we did our walking today, we went to the library (of course) and then to the grocery store and then came home and watched A Wrinkle in Time on DVD.  We're listening to the second book in that trilogy at night now, at the kid's request. This is a good example of sneaking in some schooling because these books are FULL of science content.  The first one has a lot of physics and a lot about Einstein's theory of relativity in it and the second one has a lot of microbiology in it.  Anyway,  it was a long, good day.  All these adventures were done after work today, something I couldn't have done in the past without a nap.  A big, big, big nap.  I know I say this all the time, but it is so wonderful to be free of the chronic fatigue that I had when I ate gluten.  So go ahead and eat those biscuits and spaghetti and fresh baked bread.  I'm not jealous.  I am cured.

1 comment:

  1. Your adventure walks sound amazing & fun! We should do that too. I know I'm always saying that about little roads here & there around where we live......about how I've never in 13 years driven down there & I'd just like to do it one day....know what I mean?
