Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Flu, Narnia, Cookies, Work and School.

We're trying to prevent the spread of the flu amongst our household members.  We're using a lot of hand sanitizer around here, but if it keeps one person from getting it, it will be well worth it.   Yesterday, the youngest kids did school, but the oldest didn't.  The girl, who spent a couple of days lying around and feeling "tired" apparently was just tired, because she hasn't started with a fever or anything (knock on wood).  We've been fortifying ourselves with gluten free chocolate chip cookies (you, know, to keep our strength up) that taste just like the real thing.  They are made with this mix Bloomfield Farms  These mixes are reasonably priced and they have free shipping.  I'm expecting another shipment today as a matter of fact.

We had kind of a Chronicles of Narnia movie marathon last night and watched the movies, The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe and Prince Caspian.  Then at bedtime, we just were Narnia-d out so we listened to Ranger's Apprentice as our book selection.  At that point, it didn't make much difference to me as I knew I'd sleep through whatever we listened to.  So that's our life right now, flu, Narnia, cookies, school and work.  I sincerely hope I don't get the flu since I don't have paid time off.  Eeek.

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