Wednesday, February 23, 2011

My weird doctor's visit.

I do not have a cast or a boot on my foot.  They called me after the MRI and I went in yesterday to get one, but they didn't have any.  They said they'd call me and have me come in another day (with no co-pay next time.)  Also, when the doctor was reading the MRI report, she said that I had a tear in the tendon on the outside of my ankle (not the inside where it has been hurting) and that I had an ankle sprain.  I said "Really?" and she said "You haven't sprained your ankle?"  and I haven't, at least not recently.  I did hurt this ankle really bad on my oldest son's second birthday, so 16 years ago.  I wonder if this tear occurred then and they can't tell on the MRI?   I'm starting to wonder if doctors really "know" anything or if it is all 100% educated guessing.  Anyway, at some point, I'm going to be wearing a boot for a little while to see if it helps.  Who knows?


  1. Oh my mom would totally agree with you on what the Drs. 'KNOW'(or DON'T know, as the case may be). She tries to avoid them as much as is reasonably possible. She's a great fan of Home Remedies!
