Monday, February 21, 2011

My kids went to a youth retreat and all they brought back was ...

the flu!  The oldest has officially got it.  He got swabbed today and the strep was negative, but the flu was positive.  Joy.  The daughter spent a lot of time on the couch resting today but insists that she is not sick, only tired.  I hope she is correct.   I don't even know if anyone did school today.  Let me say that again.  I know my older two kids did not do school.  I need to check with the youngest and see if he did.  He is a day behind them from when he took a snow day and they didn't so it will work out fine if he did.  If he didn't, there will be consequences, because he's responsible for this and he is not sick.  At this moment, anyway. 

Okay, I just talked to him and he did.  It's so nice that my 12 year old goes ahead and does his work while I'm running folks to the doctor.  His Dad probably nagged him a bit, but still, I'm proud.  Now the days are all evened up again.  


  1. Flu? EW. Sorry. We've been dealing with viral bronchitis and strep that Sweetums brought home from a birthday party.

  2. Oh no.....praying everyone is feeling better soon & no more flu bugs in your house!! *hugs*
