Thursday, February 24, 2011


I like Thursdays because it's my day off, but I would prefer to be a wealthy person who can get someone else to clean her house, because that's what I usually get to do on Thursday.  So I cleaned a little today and the 2 younger kids did school and the older son whined about the flu and his wisdom teeth which are paining him.  He gets his wisdom teeth out next week. I'm sure for a few days after that he's going to be doing some serious whining.  I would, but interestingly enough, I only have one wisdom tooth and its 1/4 the size of a regular tooth and so I never had to have mine taken out.  He got his tooth pattern from his Dad and his eyesight from me, instead of the other way around which would have been so much better.  Genetics can be interesting.  At least he seems to have gotten some of his Granddaddy's musical ability.  That's a gift.

I'm not sure what we're going to do about his number of school days.  He graduates this year and there are simply some things he needs to finish, so I guess when he's done, he's done.

1 comment:

  1. hey...I only have one wisdom tooth too. Mine came in just fine & I never did anything about it. So far, Jon is the only one with wisdom teeth coming in & they're coming in ok so we may just leave them alone. Dentist will check them again in a year.
