Thursday, January 06, 2011

Plunging in anyway.

We're going to go ahead and start. I've learned that if you don't start things until you're totally ready and everything's perfect, you'll never get anything done.  I altered the lists a little bit and printed them out and hung them on the wall and at least one kid has started checking things off already.  My solution to my language arts dilemma is to add in more work on the novel study we're doing for now.  We haven't really done that much on it and we need to, so that works out well.  The foreign language idea is a good one also and I picked up a French learning system at the library last night.  It was actually for myself since I took 3 years of college French and now can't remember much of it, but my daughter is interested in learning it too, so we may do that.  I went to CurrClick last night and looked around too.  They are my go-to place for buying, downloading and immediately implementing a new curriculum choice - great for fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants people like me.  I downloaded some sample chapters of things I may add in in a few weeks.  It's a good thing my kids aren't terribly resistant to change, because around here, things are frequently a-changin', especially when it comes to school.  I like the freedom of being able to toss out a subject when we're done with it and start something else and I don't like feeling bound to finish out a semester with a book or subject that's just not clicking for us.  With CurrClick, I can download things, print out the pages I want to use in triplicate and not use the rest. A lot of the units are free or really cheap, so I don't have to feel guilty about it. 

Anyway, to make a long story short (too late!) we're starting school today. 

1 comment:

  1. After taking the month of December off from homeschool, my kids had an abrupt start on Monday. Two out of my four kids said they didn't understand their math, and one of them felt so much despair, he was screaming. I hope your first day back was better than this! LOL
