Friday, January 07, 2011

It went very well and I'll tell you why.

For one thing, we started on a non-Math day.  That's huge and my daughter took that into consideration when she begged to start on Thursday and insisted on 2 weeks off for Christmas break.  ;-P    Thursday is also a day when I am home and don't have to work, so that helped.  Also, and this is the most important thing ... my youngest son had gotten a Gamestop gift card for Christmas and had spent it on-line and the games arrived yesterday morning.  I told him that since he had new games, he could have screen time as soon as he finished school.  Also, Netflix came, bringing a show that everyone wanted to watch so voila, school done by 2:30 with no whining.  I love it when a plan comes together.  :-P   Something that helped me in making the extra screen time decision was that I knew we were going to the skating rink that night during regular screen time and they would be exercising there, at least a little.  One skates, one plays air hockey and one runs around with his friends the whole time.

I think today will go pretty well since Friday is our easiest day. 

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