Wednesday, January 05, 2011

So, supposedly,

we are going to start back to school tomorrow.  I have made none of the changes I planned to make to the schedule and have procured none of the materials I was going to get.  We may just do what we usually do for a few weeks until I can pull myself together.  (IF!)  The only thing that really needs to change is that my daughter needs a replacement for spelling since she doesn't need to waste time on that anymore.  It needs to be something she can work through on her own.  She's really good at working through things on her own, so it shouldn't be too difficult to find something that will work.  I just need to get on it.

I'm very conscious that my oldest son is a senior this year and this is his last semester of high school.  I need to pull all my notes together into a coherent transcript for him.  I'm not ready.  How has this come so soon!?!


  1. I know the feeling of not being together, I feel that way all the time! This is my 1st year of home schooling my daughter is in K and next year I will have a Pre-k/K and a 1st grader...I am scared to say that lol(: I wish you luck at pulling yourself together and also blessings and peace of this being a new step in life for your son! Congrats to your family! Blessings!!!

  2. Has she finished her foreign language yet? Those can be pretty independent courses.


  3. I feel the same way. I just knew that after Christmas that I would pull it together and go full steam, but it just isn't happening. I really need to set my mind to it!!! I need to find my motivation that I lost sometime before the Christmas break!!!

  4. Wow....I didn't realize this was your oldest's last year.....Same here with Ashley. Except I'm trying to stuf down DOUBLE the emotions because Chris is graduating from college AND Ashley is graduating from HS. We're already in full swing of applications & transcripts & all that fun stuff. I need to get my act together & type up/print off all my notes/transcripts beacause Liberty wants them by the end of the month! Yikes! Are y'all into college prep too or what's he planning on doing?
