Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Kind of a normal day.

It seems like such a long time that we've had a normal day - regular work, regular school, going to the library ... it's nice.  Although I enjoyed going to get my new-to-me vehicle yesterday it did make for a busy, busy day and I'm enjoying today more.  I worked and got my 4 hours of work done in 3 hours and then I've been trying to get a few things done at the house, waiting for the kids to get done with school and then I'll get to get back into my wonderful new vehicle and go to the library.  I know the newness will wear off, but right now it's fun to drive.  I kind of wish it wasn't white because it's pretty much always going to look dirty, being my car, but oh well.  I like everything else about it.

The only hitch today is that with all our cleaning last week, we misplaced a few things.  LIke our novel workbook and the guitar DVD. We found the guitar DVD which someone had placed on my desk, but the novel workbook seems to well and truly lost.  My daughter is the best at finding things in our house and she has looked everywhere she can think of.  I figure a certain boy, and I'm not naming any names here, just shoved it somewhere last week, while 'cleaning'.   It will probably turn up someplace odd.  :-) 


  1. Did you check the fridge? ;o)

  2. This happens to us all the time. My kids are little, so no one ever has any recollection of putting anything anywhere...maybe that doesn't change as kids get older? :) Good luck! I have also had a hard time getting motivated since Christmas. I am sure it's some winter blahs, too. Hope you find some peace at this hard time. God bless.

  3. It's not the fridge, I checked. :-P

    Thanks Anna for the nice thoughts.
