Monday, January 24, 2011

Good times.

We've had a really good weekend.  We went yesterday and did a little car shopping, because I have desparately needed something to drive.  The van has been dying in traffic which causes the power steering to go out and has had various other issues.  I would too, I guess if I had 218,000 miles on me.  (No smart comments on that!)  Anyway, we went yesterday and looked at a 4 wheel drive Suburban and it got 10 thumbs up from our family so today we went, got a cashier's check from the credit union and bought it.  My husband is transfering the title and driving it home right now, while I go ahead and start work.  It's exciting because I haven't had a new-to-me vehicle in 8 years. 

We also took my husband out to eat for his birthday yesterday and had a really fun time stuffing ourselves at Chili's.  We ordered 4 dinners and split them and you would think that 5 people could eat 4 dinners, but we couldn't, so we  had to bring 2 boxes of food home.  Crazy how big portions are in restaurants.  A piece of steak (not that we got steak) that will feed 5 of us at home, feeds 1 to 2 people in a restaurant meal. 

I need to get really busy now and get 4 hours of work done in 2 1/2 hours and the kids need to somehow get their math all done in the same amount of time.  There's probably some whining going on at home, but since I'm at 'work' I don't have to listen to it.  :-P


  1. Congrats on your new wheels. Were you guys able to get any trade-in on your older car?

  2. No we bought it from a private seller so now we'll have to try and sell my old van. It may not be worth anything at all! It does still run though. Kinda.

  3. I used to drive a van too...then I got a nice Suburban truck, and I haven't looked back! You'll love it!
