Wednesday, January 26, 2011

This, that and the other thing.

First thought in my head today is that I'm getting a little tired of snow.  It has snowed more this winter than any year I remember.  I am happy now to have my 4 wheel drive vehicle, but as my son says, "What good is it to have a 4 wheel drive if everything is closed?"  Kentucky is southern enough to close most things with an inch of snow on the ground.  It's kind of frustrating.   The kids youth group was canceled tonight and the library was also closed.  I needed to go back to the library because we returned the audio book of The Chronicles of Narnia last night (it was past due and accruing fines!) and we couldn't re-check it until today.  Then the library was closed, so we'll have to wait again and I'll have to read it aloud tonight.  Luckily I did also check out the book.  The audio book is on 31 CDs. There's almost no way to listen to the whole thing before it's due back!  The kids are kind of mad at me for not canceling school today but I didn't even think about it.  Snow just seems to be a constant thing around here lately!  They have to do 185 days this year, regardless so what does it matter?  I say get it overwith! 

Second thought in my head is that I have a really, really bad case of I-don't-want-to-do-anything-itis.  I don't want to do anything around the house.  I have been doing some work on some computer things, my book and a tiny bit on my Cafepress store, but mostly I've kind of been in a daze.  A year ago this week my Dad was in the hospital for the last time and I've been very conscious of that fact. His birthday is also coming up so I'm sure that has something to do with my lethargy and lack of ambition.

A third thing and this has been kind of helping with the second thing, is that I got a free book from Booksneeze.  The book I got is called Same Life, New Story by Jan Silvious and it is very good so far.  It is about changing your perspective on the things in your life you can't change.  I have to write a full review after I get finished reading it and then I can request another free book.  How cool is that? 

1 comment:

  1. Know what you mean about things closing with the HINT of snow in the air....LOL! Ashley & I went to the library today before the snow got here & as we were checking out, the ladies were getting ready to close for the day & head home.....and the snow hadn't even gotten here yet!
