Saturday, January 08, 2011

Overall, a good first week.

I don't know if 2 days of school counts as a "first week" but its my blog and I can call it a week if I want to.  The kids did not complain about school either day.  They just did it.  This is (knock on wood!) the easiest transition back to school activities after a break we've ever had.  I guess they're just growing up. We'll be done with homeschooling before we know it.  It kind of makes me sad.  I've had a lot of fun with homeschooling over the last 6 1/2 years.  :-(

It worked well adding in more work on their adventure novels.  I decided not just to do that for my daughter, but to add it in for all 3 of them.  They did quite a bit of work on the novels yesterday and seemed to enjoy it.  My daughter has come up with a new idea for her book.  I think this is her 3rd, but whatever, she was very happy about getting a good idea.   All 3 of the kids were very happy, silly and noisy yesterday.   It was one of those good homeschooling days that you wish every day was like.

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