Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Still going.

We're still doing school. We had a Christmas party with the homeschool group today and so we only did half a day but that's more than most school districts did today I bet.  I think the kids will better appreciate the days after Christmas off, when they have new toys and games to occupy their time, rather than now when they don't   Might as well work now and get those days in.  That way, when a particularly beautiful day or a nice opportunity to visit with someone comes up, we can take a day off without having to worry about getting behind. 

I am getting just the slightest bit excited about Christmas.  Now that my shopping is done, I can relax a little.   I still have to work tomorrow and Friday and I still have to grocery shop, take my mom's cat to the vet, open all the packages and make sure all the gifts have arrived (some are scheduled to arrive tomorrow, how's that for cutting it close?) , clean the house and then take a deep breath and try and enjoy it.  I've been wound up awfully tight lately, kind of overwhelmed, and it's been more difficult for me to relax and enjoy the season.  I hope that feeling goes away soon.

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