Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Okay, maybe not.

At some point today I just cancelled school for tomorrow and the next day.  There was a point this afternoon when I said to my youngest, "Listen, if you will just leave me alone for 1 hour, I will let this be the last day of school!"  I'm not proud of it, but there it is.  I had in the back of my mind anyway that it would be a good day to quit.  We're ahead on our days, we've got all of the basics covered for this week thanks to our block schedule and we've got a ton of things to do tomorrow because tomorrow is Christmas Eve Eve.  The kids haven't even shopped for each other yet and they traditionally exchange their gifts on the day before Christmas Eve (traditionally known as the "Eve Eve" around here.) 

I did get work done and I finally took my Mom's cat to the vet, but I didn't bring her back.  The condition that she had in her ear was cancer and it was too advanced to do anything about.  I feel kind of bad about it, but I'm glad the cat is not suffering.  It needed to be done and I'm glad I was able to get victory over my squeamishness and finally got my schedule worked out so I could do it.  

Tomorrow I'll be frantically crossing things off my list and then Friday morning I'll be working and then, ah the holiday weekend.  


1 comment:

  1. I so get it! Sometimes the promise of not being bugged to death for just 1 hour can make a mamma give in on school. LOL!
