Sunday, December 19, 2010

Busy day planned.

We've got a busy day planned and we've got lots of things on the calendar until Wednesday.  We don't have anything written on Wednesday or Thursday and I'm hoping to have those days to savor the season a little bit.  Unfortunately, I imagine the fact that there is nothing written on there is just an oversight and someone will remember things we have to do those days.  It will be fine either way.  We finally got the van up our driveway last night so wherever we're going, hopefully we won't have to walk the first quarter mile to the bottom of our drive where the van is waiting.  We're going to keep doing school as long as we can, maybe even on Friday which is Christmas Eve.  I have to work that day so why can't the kids do school? Right?  Although if they argue, I'll let them off.  You're only a kid once and that time for them is passing very quickly anyway.  If we do school all week, we'll have 97 days in, which means that currently we have 92 days of school. That's more than we've ever had at this time of year, even if we stop now!  


  1. Goodness girl, you're putting me to shame with the school days! We usually take off the whole month of Dec. & this year was no exception. Especially after Ashley put in so much time studying for & taking her SATs.....when that was done on Dec.4.....we haven't opened a book since!

  2. Anonymous8:25 PM

    we have had to take the whole month off due to the bad weather conditions, thank god its only primary school kids
