Thursday, December 23, 2010

Something like this always happens.

We got out all the presents today, from their various nooks and crannies, to examine them, sort them and make sure they had all arrived, since most of our shopping was done on-line and most of it has been delivered this week.  It turns out that one of the very first things I put in the cart on was still in the cart.  They hadn't charged me for it and they hadn't shipped it.  So I had to go to Gamestop today and make an emergency substitution.  I would not advise anyone to go to Gamestop on December 23rd. It took a long, long, long time.  Finally, I did get free and then had to (The Horror!) go to Walmart due to another shipping issue.  Anyway, I think I'm done shopping now.  I really don't want to go get anything tomorrow.   I'm going to have to think really hard and be very creative about what I can contribute to the Christmas dinner at my Mom's house tomorrow night because Friday is my grocery day and I don't want to go.  I'll just have to cook something that is already in the house.   I am shopped out.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry, but I had to LOL about Gamestop.....especially after my post the other day. And Friday's my grocery day too. *sigh* I'm going EARLY tomorrow morning...groceries period....nothing else. Hopefully it won't be too awful bad. If I don't 'see' you again before Saturday.....I hope you guys have a very Merry CHRISTmas!!
