Monday, November 22, 2010

This looks interesting.

This book site that someone shared on the Homeschool Lounge.
Books Should Be Free

I also like  Daily Lit and Project Gutenberg


  1. Our eldest son is living in Japan for three months. He also enjoys audiobooks. I thought you might enjoy some of his recommendations.

  2. Hello,
    My name is Monica Irvine. I am the owner of The Etiquette Factory. I have visited your blog and really like your postings. I am a brand new blogger with little experience, so I was wondering if you would be interested in allowing me to offer your followers some "freebies" (I was thinking of our Etiquette Jukebox CD, which is so fun), and I would also love to offer you an article from time to time if you're interested. I author a monthly column in Everything Knoxville and I also write for the Home Educating Family Magazine. My articles focus on ideas of how to teach proper manners in the home. I specialize in helping parents teach their children manners. I'm also a home school mom myself. Please check out my website at: and my blog at: ; My blog's not quite as organized as I would like yet, but once again, I'm new at this. Thank you for your time and I hope to hear from you soon.
