Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Tuesday was busy, busy.  First, I had to work.  So I came to my mom's house to work at 9 ish.  I worked until 12:45 then went home, picked up my oldest son and took him to the doctor about his ankle.  It's an hour drive each way plus he needed another x-ray.  We got home a little before 5 p.m..  I sat down and took a short break, then got up and came back to mom's house to work.  I needed just about 70 more lines.  It took an awfully long time because I had awful reports.  (I have to take what I get in the job queue.)  Then I left straight from mom's house and went to mom's night out with the homeschool moms, then went into a Dollar Tree store that was right beside the restaurant, picked up my daughter at my mom's house and got home about 9:30 p.m.  I enjoyed the mom's night out part of it, but not really the rest.  Anyway, my son is going to need an orthotic shoe insert.  Maybe that will help.  I hope it's not too expensive, because I really don't think that's what he wants for Christmas.  :-P

Today, when I get home from work, hopefully I'll get to stay home.  Maybe.  I may need some ingredients for desserts I'm making for tomorrow. 

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