Sunday, November 21, 2010


I did not get anything done this weekend.  I was going to, but I didn't.  I just didn't feel good at all, all weekend.  I was achy and needed naps, as if I'd been accidentally ingesting some gluten, but if I have, I have no idea what the source of it was.  I've been reading labels.  I've been careful.   At first I thought it was the stuffing I made, but I quit eating that and now, I just don't know.   It's frustrating.   So no progress on any household projects and no progress on the book.  On the other hand, I have been reading a book this weekend that I've been enjoying very much and we saw Harry Potter today which I also enjoyed very much, so the weekend was not a total loss or anything -just not what I had intended, but rest is important sometimes too. 

It's been a year since I went gluten free and it's also now been a year since my son broke his ankle.  It is still giving him quite a bit of pain.  He has had to ice it and elevate it a lot lately as it has been swelling.  Someone today told him to alternate hot water with cold water soaks and he's been doing that this afternoon.  He's not sure if it feels better or is just numb, but the swelling is down.  He has a doctor's appointment on Tuesday.

Thanksgiving is this week!  I can't believe it.  I had my first real bit of holiday-associated grief today when I heard a Christmas song that my Dad and I used to sing together.  That hit hard and I've had to spend the rest of today with swollen eyelids. and I'm sure the first holiday season without him is going to be kind of tough.   I hope they don't play that song at the Kroger when I'm shopping anytime this season.  They are already playing Christmas music in there.  I was inspired by it last week and came home and designed this shirt for my Cafepress store.

But on Friday it will BE after Thanksgiving and I will HAVE to give some thought to Christmas.  I'm not ready. 

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