Saturday, October 30, 2010

What's the opposite of low key?

High key?  We had a very busy but good day today.   First I had to work this morning.  Right in the middle of my shift, I had to go and get my blood pressure checked because it was high the last time I went to the doctor.  Then I came by the house, ate lunch and made pudding for the dessert I was taking to a party this evening, went back to work, then came home and made the taco soup, finished the dessert, blew up 30 balloons and tied loops onto them, opened 45 glow bracelets and attached them and then decorated the trunk of the van and then we went to 2 parties in quick succession. Actually they were both scheduled at the exact same time but we went to one and then the other.  It was fun, but now we are just a leetle bit tired.  We had a good time though. 

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