Monday, November 01, 2010

Nice weekend.

We had a very nice weekend with parties and celebrating.  It was very fun.   Now it's back to reality a little bit because I've got to work and the kids have got to do school today, but we'll live.  I finally, just now, made some changes to the schedules.  Since I seem to be running to appointments and things all the time, I've made more of their subjects self taught.  They are pretty good at following the routines now even when I'm not here.   I do have to nag them about school a little bit most days, but they are strict on themselves to the minute on screen time, not even turning the TV on 30 seconds early.  It tickles me.  I can just picture them as adults, two of them talking on the phone and suddenly one of them says "Hey, look at that, it's screen time, I've gotta go, talk to you later!"

Anyway, we'll see if these changes help things get done. 

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