Friday, October 29, 2010

Low key kind of day.

We don't have all that much to do today.  If I could've gotten done with work early enough we could have went to a nice lunch, but it didn't work out.  I didn't get finished with work until nearly 2:00 pm.  So, after school today, I'm going to try and get some more work done on my book and go to the grocery and just enjoy a kind of a low-key day.  I need to pick up some things for the weekend.  We're having a homeschool party this weekend and a party at church so I need to get some things to take to those.  

Oops, I just realized that I posted that nothing much was happening today.  I hope it doesn't end up like one of those novels that starts out "Nothing ever happens to me" and then all kinds of strange things happen to that person!

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