Thursday, October 28, 2010


It was my day off and I had a dentist appointment today to replace a filling.  So the kids and I cleaned and did school this morning (mostly) and then I went to the dentist.  If it weren't for the shots in my gums and the drill, I wouldn't mind the dentist all that much.  I like lying there in the massage chair watching HGTV and having my back rubbed by the chair.  I mentioned to the dentist that I had been difficult to numb in the past so he shot me so full of novocaine that my eyeballs felt numb.  I told him if he wanted to do a little Lasik on me, he could because my eyes were already prepared.   Anyway, that finished, I came home to find a good surprise, my brother had come for a visit.  He and the kids and I played some board games and talked for the rest of the afternoon.  Now I'm going to watch a little NCIS that came from Netflix and do some more work on my book. I'm enjoying writing it and I think I'm making good progress.


  1. Sometimes your posts just crack me up! You are so funny : )
    Best Wishes,

  2. A little NCIS is always good! ;-)
